Recent Changes to HTML TADS

This file lists the changes that have been made recently to HTML TADS. This release also contains improvements to TADS itself, which are documented separately in Recent Changes to TADS.

Note that we've tried to keep all of the documentation that accompanies this release up-to-date with these changes. This file is provided as a quick overview for experienced TADS users so that you can quickly see what has changed since the last version you installed.

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win120; TADS 2.5.16/3.1.2)

Released August 30, 2012

This release updates the TADS 2 VM, but there are no changes in the HTML TADS portion of the system.

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win119; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.2)

Released August 28, 2012

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win118; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.2)

Released August 20, 2012

This release updates the T3 VM, but there are no changes in the HTML TADS portion of the system.

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win117; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.1)

Released July 14, 2012